Combines corn


The reason for the slow roter speed are actually a couple, the first is less roter loss, second is better sample less fines, and 4 is good place to start if cobs are not coming out whole open concave more, if kernals are still on cobb tighten concave a bit. Make sure you have front drum in feeder house all the way up, other wise it smashes the corn before it is shelled.If you have a chopper make sure that is in slow speed with the knives removed or dropped down. I have had alot of experince in corn a couple thosand acres per year from 13% to 40% since 1978 with case combines.


Started today. rotor at 400 concave at 4.5. air at 1100, bottom screen almost 3_4 open. I'm getting some broken cops in hopper about 1" big. Also i have alot of whole cobs out the back with only a few broke. I think I have to much air. It seems to be blowing some corn to the back. I have the cross-flow fan running at 1100. Ground speed at only 3 mph (just trying to get set) i know i can run faster.How important is the air setting and can you get to much air.


I think the book says 900 I always run the fan by the book under full load. It sounds like you are getting it close. Probably need to close both seives a little bit. Take a pail of corn close seives all the way throw corn on them then open up till it falls through maybe another 1_8 to 1_4 depending how good and wet the corn is and how fast you want to drive after you do this once or twice you will know where to set them. Its not scientifficut but it gets you there. Hope this helps.


Thanks for your help. Is it possible to not break any cobs or should i let it go with some breakage. can too much air push corn to your return. thanks you've been a big help.


Forgot to ask you about vane setting i have mine in the middle postion. Some say they need to be forward what do you think.


The vanes need to be in the rear position to slow down the corn. My 1660 breaks some of the cobs, but I've never been docked on the grain sample.


When you say rear position do you mean move them toward the front of the combine or the rear.


You probably will always have some cob breakage depending on hybrid of corn but the least amount the better remember the more breakage you have the tighter your seives need be which then you run the risk of losing corn over the seives. And yes the elavter does not dock but I enjoy dumping with a very clean sample and the corn stores better. And boy do the J.D. guys look when your sample is that much cleaner. And you ask about vains we run ours in middle have tryedway back so crop runs through machine faster but in 200bu. corn we were getting to much roter loss. I try not to find even a kernal behind sometimes loss out of head if corn is real dry. We leave the veins in middle also for beans and wheat hope this helps. Good luck Harvesting and rember to be safe!


I don't know what size machine you have but on my 2166 I run the rotor as slow as it goes ~280 in low on the gear box. try concave ~1 1_2 this is where I normally have had good lick getting started.