Combines correct part numbers


We have not used any factory fillers for many years so can't say where to find number. We just have patterns for ladder type and wire type. We have a bunch made up at machine shop every so often. Now if you have every other wire removed and or jobber concave you might just as well make your own. Only concaves longer than what you have is the ls and I believe they had clips that snaped over wires. Very rare to ever need on the ls for they basically had the equivalant to three filler bars if they had the channel iron concave bars installed. Now if you have the low wire concave you have room for top mount fillers. Get yourself some 1_8" flat iron the length of concave. Set one in place and mark bottom side where you have room for bolts. Remove bar and drill bolt locations large enough for 5_16 carriage bolts. Tack weld bolts into place. Make yourself some plates for bottom of concave that will catch two wires. Get yourself centerlock nuts and tighten just enough to snug up filler. Repeat as needed. If you should have a high wire concave (1_4" from wire to top of crossbar) I would figure a way for bottom mount filler. Hope this helps. Take care


what is the easiest way to mount_mark etc... these fillers i'm a big guy and my mother in law isnt a string bean either... thanks august wieser ps tried again this morning and those 2 factory fillers will work they just looked too long cause the bottom couple rows were plugged with crud and you cant see the separator end of the concave very well


Such it up good and hold breath. Get in front of engine and very quickly reach under concave to install plates long enough to grab two wires. Get back up and out to grab some air. Repeat as necessary. Good luck