Combines cr970 better than stsIJ


The CR is the Cadillac of all of them. You mentioned the chopper. The NH chopper is the best out there. It is made in Sweden. The problem is getting the green tough long stems back to it. They have a rubber roller o help get it into the chopper, but it is not totally effective. The deluxe chopper has a a rubber draper to carry the straw back to the chopper.My suggestion is to put a Redekop chopper on it. That is the same chopper that JD puts on the STS. It runs the straw and the chaff thru the chopper. It doesn't work on the JD as well as it should because damp chaff doesn't slide down into the chopper evenly and sometimes plugs up. It is the best option I know of for the CR's. Go with the CR! STS maintenance is out of sight. I used a CR940 some 300 separator hours the past two seasons. I had only one breakdown. A bearing went bad on an idler pulley on the serpentine belt. I would go with the 960 or 970 for the hp. in tough conditions.Good luck!


I totally agree, get a CR960 with a Redekop chopper. that chopper is amazing, the one we had out for demo the customers told us it was spreading about twenty feet! it's unreal. As for the combine itself, there are a few minor glitches in the electonics, but none of them have been major so far. the biggest thing is the seive actuators if you get remote sieves. the potentiometers in them don't seem to stand up and when they fail your seives move on their own.


On the sieve actuators, when you replace one you have to check its output voltage from the infoview at both extreme rotations. It has to be within a certain voltage range. If it goes too high the potentiometer will burn out. Unpinning one end and manually turning the rod in or out will adjust the potentiometer position. Then you repin it and check the volts again.


Thanks everyone for the information. I agree about the Redecop chopper. The dealer told me today that most people this year are getting the mav Redecop. We have redecop factory installed on our Agco conventionals, will spread 30 feet, but I removed 1_2 of the paddles and put in straight blades, to cut horsepower requirements. I was also worried about power problems on the Cr. I read on this site some people are complaining, although the dealer said they have had only one(can you believe them all the timeIJ) Our agco dealer told us they would not even give us a demo on the 9790MF, as they are fighting with Cummins on their combines not having enough power, and said we would not be happy with the capacity. What is the weak crops with these combinesIJ I farm in NE Saskatchewan, have lots of straw, and grain moisture is all high. Also what is the stone trap_ detection likeIJ Is it reliableIJ If I remember from the demo last year there is an electronic sensor or somethingIJ


With regards about the stone trap sensitivity.Yes, It has been improved with a soft ware version update and works even better than last year. There are sensors on both upper and lower locations in the jackladder. You can program your configuration to accsept "low,Med,or High" sensitivity for stones. Come view 2004 pic's and both video of this years crop coming off in North East Saskatchewan. Come visit us @: ( ) go to the CR Combine page and enjoy. 'Pic's are worth a thousand words.


New software just released will allow you 11 stone trap sensitivity settings instead of the "low, medium, and high" that the previous software did.