The CR is the Cadillac of all of them. You mentioned the chopper. The NH chopper is the best out there. It is made in Sweden. The problem is getting the green tough long stems back to it. They have a rubber roller o help get it into the chopper, but it is not totally effective. The deluxe chopper has a a rubber draper to carry the straw back to the chopper.My suggestion is to put a Redekop chopper on it. That is the same chopper that JD puts on the STS. It runs the straw and the chaff thru the chopper. It doesn't work on the JD as well as it should because damp chaff doesn't slide down into the chopper evenly and sometimes plugs up. It is the best option I know of for the CR's. Go with the CR! STS maintenance is out of sight. I used a CR940 some 300 separator hours the past two seasons. I had only one breakdown. A bearing went bad on an idler pulley on the serpentine belt. I would go with the 960 or 970 for the hp. in tough conditions.Good luck!