Combines CR970 Complaints


Just curious but what concaves did you haveIJ Was it the universal or did you have round bar for beans and small grain for wheatIJ I have spent some time in one running beans and corn with the round bar concave in but not any small grains. I'm still wondering what caused your engines to overheat. Was the radiator or screen choking up in the wheat_oatsIJ I also wonder with the slugging if anyone double checked the rotor timing. I doubt 2 of them could be not timed but maybe one of them. Are these 2003 built combines or 2002.


I did not say he didn't, but he complained twice of only 15-20 acres and never offered the bit about 30+ in ABOVE AVERAGE beans. If your WHERE the dealer and he came complaining about only 15-20 acres but then heard down the road that he was bragging about 30+ in ABOVE AVERAGE beans, you would okay with that I assumeIJ JD


Sorry, meant to say never did the original poster say what the other mentioned in the context he alledged. JD


Who cares, why keep the fire burning, is that all you have time to do is pick people apartIJ


I did not mention the 30+ hours per acre in my first post. Beans was the only crop that we were happy with the CR's preformance and beans is also among the last crops that we harvest. Most of our season is spent in heavy grain crops. Sorry about the confusion.


And what is your intention with your post, not being a hypocrite I hope! JD lOl!


Thanks and BTW, bushel wise what is an above averge bean crop to youIJ JD