Combines Cropping Plans 2005


We are planning no major changes in our operation in SW Minnesota. However we do hear some farmers in the area are going to cut down on soybean acreage and do more corn on corn. Soybean yields have been disappointing for several years, partly due to increasing cyst levels. Corn yields have generally been very good. The threat of increased costs associated with rust management may also shift some acres away from the traditional soybean acreage to continuous corn. It is hard to put numbers on how large this shift might be.


We have planned for 25% more acres of corn for '05. We have about triple the wheat of a normal year because last year we had some land that was too wet to get corn on, summer fallowed then to wheat. Total for us is about 60 acres corn and 30 wheat. Small time compared to most but it still costs alot anyway.


No changes. Normal rotation. No cut back on soybean acres. Probably should since I am in the south and rust was found all around us. Maybe with increased corn acres and rust scare we will get a good price on beans. Maybe we loose the whole crop. But that is what insurance is for. No one else has indicated changing their normal rotation in this area. Only major changes have been from grain to cattle.


With new ethanol plants sprouting like mushrooms in spring, corn acres will definately go up in this area (NC Iowa). A few big farmers are going 100% corn that were 50-50 before. Most won't make major changes, and many will stick with the 50-50 rotation no matter what. I will increase my corn acres about 10%.


increase in soybeans by 50%, Should be in a rust free area. Taking advantage of increased corn acreage. cost of planting corn is cutting margins down tight.


In south eastern ND, bigger farmers will change little of their planting plans. However, there has been more interest in sunflowers since contracts were good. If corn prices were better, there would definitely be more corn. I believe planting plans have not changed significantly.


Thanks marshall, by the way...aren't you the guy who hypered the N6. If so, how's it runningIJ


Thanks to everyone for the responses. Hopefully it gives everyone at least a small indication of what growers are thinking.


It was a N7. It is doing great. I have harvested close to 3000 acres with it in the last two seasons. Only failures have been belts and A_C stuff. I have no idea how many hours the machine has on it. I really don't care. I service when I think it needs it. Which is probably to often.