I could never get both of my CTS to work with any capacity the way they were set in the book. In canola I found to run the cylinder at 460 - 550 rpm with concave at least half way open. Fit rear concave inserts - leave them in for all crops except corn. Pre-cleaner 2mm, top seive 12mm, bottom seive 2mm, fan 850-860. Wheat: cylinder 780-850, concave 10-12, precleaner 10mm, top seive 16mm, bottom seive 6mm, fan 1200-1250. Barley: cylinder 750-780, concave 10-12, precleaner 10mm, top seive 19mm, bottom seive 7mm, fan 1150-1180. You are right about the overshot beater. They should be running about 850rpm instead of 740. I have swapped the top pulley to the bottom and vice versa. This makes the beater run at 950 which does make a huge differance but you loose to much torque. If you can fit both the driven and the drive pulley of the same diameter this will give you a speed of 850-860. Since you have two machines the same you could pull one pulley of one and fit it to the other and see if this helps out. You may have to cycle the power switch for the computer to recognise the change in speed of the beater.