Need a bit more info. What cylinder speed were you using, etc. A lot of guys unfamiliar with the CTS, set up the combine same as with their conventionals, like your 9610. First off you would use more concave clearance on your CTS than 9610. This is also on wheat, barley..etc. You let the tine seperators do a lot of the work. We ran a CTS11 this harvest. You run the cylinder in low range, at approx. 450 R.P.M. for canola. As we hit some tough conditions, with a bit of snow, we had to go to high range, at 800 R.P.M., and then the beater belt started to beep like you said. We found that the belt was a bit polished up, and replaced it. This helped a bit, but would recomend putting beater in low. We got 5 inches of snow on our canola swaths, so at a stand still now......till maybe spring.