On a normal winter, their is no problem feeding cattle up here. Through the last 100 years, the cattle have been bred to really be strong, and handle the cold weather. That is why so many Americans come up here to the cattle sales. A lot of the bulls here land up going down south to the U.S., for their hardiness. As for the feedlots, their are quite a few around the lethbridge Alberta area. This is known as feed lot alley. The price of barley here is pretty well set at the feedlots. The price is lower now, since a lot of cheap American corn is comming up there, so for any Americans complaining about Canadian wheat heading south......well its a 2 way street. Most U.S. trucks are bringing up corn, and taking back hard red wheat. A trade off I guess. They are trying to set up more feedlots in Saskatchewan, but with its geography, it is to far from markets, and the winters are brutal. Takes a lot of feed to keep the body heat up in cattle in -40 deg weather.