Combines Custom Harvest Tribute 2004 1944 1945 Harvest Brigade


http:__customcombinetribute.tripod.com_ Here is the address for Mr. len Holo he is the man doing the harvest run this year with the same kind of combine that was used in the orignal harvest brigade. I tried to catch up to him in Nebraska but he was rained out their. Hope this helps


I, too, have been on the go, trying to see the combine in the field. Rain in Garden City and Hays KS. Finally, on the July 4th weekend, I was able to see that marvelous Massey-Harris 21A Self-propelled combine in the field. What a GREAT sight it was. A great tribute to my grandfather, Joe Tucker, who while vice-president of Massey-Harris originated the 1944 Harvest Brigade. Thank you, and if you check Mr. Holo's website, it has some awesome pictures added recently. Judy