That may be true, but that hasn't stopped inflation, the cost of fuel, machinery etc. Therefore, the price of wheat is a moot point. Farming is farming, you still have to produce no matter what the commodity prices are (the only alternative isIJ). If I were a custom harvester I would be implementing a higher fee structure as well as promoting the value added side of my operation. If all you do is cut, haul and try to achieve the best grain quality possible year after year, what value are you lending each year after yearIJ If custom harvesting operations are turely retail service providers, then they need to act like them by promoting themselves and each year do a few things better to improve themselves and entice the farming community to contiue with them and attract more. Posters and radio adds (if you have new equipment or a unique piece of, especially tracks, promote it, provide questionnaires and harvest's end evaluations to get more input. Don't just show up in OK and TX with a bill board that says "Harvesting Available." If so, you better have another that says "Wll Work for Food."