JR I'm also 20 years old, and have ran combines when I was old enough. This summer, I got my first experience harvesting through the wheat belt with a crew, starting in Texas and back up to home. (ND) Before, I went, I knew I was gonna love it, because all I ever wanted to do during harvest at at my family farm, was run the combine. Now, I plan to go a couple more years with different crews, and get a taste of their style of operation. I hope to start my own operation within 3-5 years. The only problem I have is, getting customers. I have 3 combines, but would need to get my own trucks and trailers, etc. Also, the next biggest concern is getting employees, and keeping them thru the season. I would say the future looks to be promising for us young men and old, once the economy gets better somehow. You can make a profitable operation, if you knew all the right moves, which is why I am taking Business and Ag Business to help with my future career. Hope this helps. RED_GREEN