Combines CX question


I have not seen a CX also but I think they are like the CR's cab, kind of gray inside. Have a link to the New Holland web site for you. Ilnh


Dakota, We have 3 CX's and 2 CR's here is Oz. The cab is identical on both, colour, layout etc. i.e it is grey.


How does the CX compare to the CR. Also how do you think a CX would compare to a lexion 460.


The CX will outperform the lexion in terms of capacity and moreover in terms of grain quality. The APS system on the lexion is brutal on the grain and then overloads the cleaning system with trash.


I must admit, the CXs are a fine, fine machine. We had a TX prior to the lexion and the CX is a big improvement in both grain quality and capacity. I would not be afraid of owning one. THAT BEING SAID...I must respond to the Welshwizard:) Which CX are you talking aboutIJ We ran an 840 against our 480 and it wasn't even close. At 100% engine load the 840 was doing 6.5-7mph in canola, the 480 was doing 10 and engine load was only 65%, could have done more, but how fast do you really want to goIJ:) I think an 880 would be comparable to the 480, but then they're similar class machines. As far as grain quality, "the APS is brutal on the grain", what does that meanIJ We've run one for three seasons and have only had compliments from elevator agents on our samples. I believe the APS is one of the reasons why you can get such a gentle thresh with the lexion. The CX has basically the identical thing, but behind the cylinder, if the APS works as you say it does, then why isn't the CXs spike tooth cylinder "brutal" on the grain, and why would it not overload the cleaning system with trashIJ


I have seen machines many times not set right to the harvesting conditions (TX and CX). To much speed on the cylinder and not enough clearance on the concave. That is what overloads the cleaning system. A good operator is changing his settings more than once a day and not one time a season.


The CR and the CX Combine from New Holland have proven to be quite the combine and have heads turning this past harvest season of 2003. We demoed both the CR 970 and the CR 960 in a variety of crops.... come to our web site and see lots of pictures and even video of the CR in action. Bookmark it and tell your friends.... come to web site : A lot of your questions can be answered in the pic's and videos. Enjoy. And have a great day. Your friends @ John Bob Farm Equipment ltd. Tisdale,Sask. (306) 873-4588


I can do better than tell you that the cabs are spacious and quiet and GREY in color. To see for your self come view our web site: { } Follow the CR Combine and see for your self. Have a great day. Your friends in farming: John Bob Farm Equipment ltd. (306)873-4588


Thanks Don and Charlie. That answers my question. I have both models on the shelf and was just wondering if the toy manufacturers did it right. My CX has a black interior and is a European version. I am quite amazed about the discussion down below, that I kind of triggered.