Combines Cylinder speeds


Yeah,Jeremy,that's about it. I have found that all combines are just a little bit different. The cylinder_speed concave_spacing settings that work so well for one guy don't for another. So I start at the recomended daily allowances found in the book. Then I'll adjust the concave or cylinder,whichever,there's no scientific method to my madness, BUT ONE AT A TIME. What I mean is, I don't take a look at the sample then change speed and clearance before I check again. But I'm pretty easy to confuse. I have found that Gleaners, especially Natural Flow are very forgiving in this area. JOGE has one and his beans look like they came out of a fanning mill. And I know he's not that talented. This is a real geshichte for your simple question.


I guess that's why I run Gleaners. They are so simple to set and operate that even the untalened can look good. By the way I was the one who taught JoJoMac how to make a Natural Flow perform miracles in the field. He is now the best combine tech I know.


Well,you know,I'm touched. Tell me again how you get everything up that looks sooo small....:)