We have tried golf balls before and the problem with that solution is that when the cylinder gets dirt in it the golf balls get stuck in different spots and wont bounce around which they were supposed do. This actually makes it worse. The vibragone kit doesn't allow the dirt and dust into the cylinder .
We used the golf balls this past year in our 9600. It seemed to work really well. We didn't have any problems with them getting stuck at any time. You could always hear them bouncing around. It really helped the vibration problem. We put 4 balls in each section (between the spiders).
Tom call 519-682-0531 usually after 6: pm . ask for Brian. BandD Products address is Box 213, Tilbury, Ontario. N0P 2l0. If you call he's usually there.
We tried golf balls but when it gets damp and the combine sits for a while they didn't seem to do job. The only way we could get rid of the vibration totally was having them install the Vibragone kit. If the balls worked for you that's great.
The vibragone cylinder kit sells for 399.95 canadian and works fantastic. For more info email me at danna@MNSi.net. I'll glady send you the information.