Combines Day 2 for 8010


I think you will like the draper, we switch to drapers last year and never looked back except to say why didn't we do it sooner. Hope the combine runs long enough to enjoy the head.


Tony I should have listened to you last year on the head but actually last year it did not work bad. In one feild it will work then in next feild with diferent ground conditons it will push and push. last night was it, the cover plates on auger flew off and took out about 10 fingers and sproket on auger is ate off wont stay locked on shaft. I will keep you posted were suppose to try the draper today.


I sure hope you have good luck with a 36 ft draper id like to put that on our 2388... I never liked the cray air head and i know what you mean on the replaceing 3 combines with 2. In alot of these fields and conditons it just won't matter what you have.....some fields take longer and bigger heads mean you have to take them off and transport them and that takes people and time.. Good luck with the rest of harvest