Combines Dealer locaterIJIJ


Go to AGCO Corp site and click on dealer locator and either put in your zip-code or town that you want nearest dealers and it will show you the three closest and give you a map to boot!


Or just wait a few years and B and G Global AGCO Sales will have a dealership in every town! (With a moonshine still in the corner of all their shops!)


Hey, value added is the name of the game! Why let Jack Daniels cash in on what we can do ourselvesIJ Marketing the finished product is the difficult part - besides trying to hide that telltale smoke column! I reckon a guy could afford to buy one of those real cheap Deere 9000's and gut it and hide his still in there. Folks are used to seeing those things burning and wouldn't question the smoke eminating from it. Plus, it would probably be the first time in the life of the combine that it ever generated any income for the owner!


Since you mentioned it, back in the 70's those Gleaners were trademarks of the black smoke rolling. It was our way of letting the neighbors know that it was time to start harvesting. We ought to get those things going again and have a still for wheels, portable, and can travel in excess of 20 MPH from one site to another. The only thing though, instead of having grain trucks, we would have tankers!


lbran our shed still has the soot marks on the roof from where the N7 used to start up.john


My dad always tells of the first time he seen a Gleaner with the hyd. swing-out unloader - it was an M. He said she didn't smoke too bad until the operator swung that unloader out and the extra hp used to run the hyd pump was just enough to make her belch out a sky blackening cloud. Quite impressive to a guy who was used to running a gas E with a manual fold auger! Do you suppose the revenooers would ever catch on to the tankersIJ