Combines DEERE 30 SERIES and other new thingsIJIJIJ


I think its pretty safe to say that you won't see a 16 row 30 inch corn head from Deere anytime soon. They are only going to build for their volume markets, not on the demand of a few targets. Class six and seven combines are still Deere's volume leaders.


But why put a 16 row 30in. system in place like planter,row-crop cutivator,etc, and not develope the 16 inch corn head.


My Deere dealer tells me Deere has had a prototype 16 row cornhead for 2 years now. They're just not ready to release it yet, probably due to the facts you've stated; - low demand!


I wouldn't say "low" demand as much as I would "limited," for the time being. I caught a glimpse of Deere's 1630 while being tested two years ago in Il. Pretty much had the little STS stressed. They had an 830 chopping head back in the area for testing last year.


Hey MostlyGreen, If the 16row corn head had a 9860sts stressed, I would hope that deere would release just a slightly longer combine to match corn head capacity by expanding the dyna flo cleaning system to about the size of the 8010 cleaning system I guess, (which is needed anyway) ,add more HP...about 415 to 425hp,and add a self powerd straw chopper,that would be nice I beleive.


I believe Deere tested the 16 row on a 9750 originally, which probably would have REAllY stressed that machine. I agree, Deere has to consider changing more than horsepower, bin size and miscellaneous drive strength's to accomodate a 16 row head. My local dealer says to watch for major changes to the Deere combines in about 2 years; - I'm not sure what we're supposed to be watching for! ;-)


One would hope something along the Bi-Rotor design. I think if they really want to leave everything else in the dust and increase capacity, they would be the wiser. Being they own the thing and all.


Saw an experimental in Kingfisher, Ok today. Sitting in field but wheat not quite dry enough. Has 9880 decals but said it has an additional 150 hp in the prime mover, no other cosmetic changes, may be some electronics did not see internally but looked the same.


Deere may come with the BI-Rotor in the next generation combine after the STS,or intergrate More BI-Rotor concepts, but I doubt it would be in two years time. I beleive the current STS will get only better over 2 years time,the STS is a overall good concept also. If something comes out by CaseIH that really threatens Deere market share, then they might hurry up the BI-ROTOR until then, I think the STS can compete pretty well with Case IH 8010. We MAY see a full BI-ROTOR combine as a option to the Super STS by 2009-2012.


Hello where did you see Exactly that CombineIJ would be nice to get there and try to have look on it.