Combines Deutz allis 9150


We have a 9190 deutz and there are some good and bad things about it. if you are planning to row crop with it you can forget it because it will not fit into the rows without modification. if you are just planning to do other field work it should be alright. Is this tractor a green one or an orange oneIJ they made both so i was just curious. If you want more information just post back and i will answer any questions you have we have had ours from the time it was new and have about 5000 hours on it.


It is a 91 and is orange. It is supposed to have an 18 spd. with a hi low I believe. Is this correct and does it work wellIJ Do you know how the hydraulics areIJ By the way, we ranch and would use it for all around haying, feeding, seeding, etc.


It does not have a hi lo like you think... it has a 6 speed tranny with a 3 speed powershift on all 6 gears. The hydraulics are alright but i wouldnt recomend this tractor for working on the ranch. it would work but it dosent shift that east i would recomend going with a complete powershift. if you want more info ill be glad to share it with you Good luck!


Check the front axle pivot shaft (the pin that mounts the front axle to the frame of tractor). If it hasn't been greased it will seize and wear into the frame. Where you fromIJ