Different types of tomatoes


Farm Hand
My wife wants to enlarge our vegetable garden next season. We are looking at adding more tomatoes. Last year we grew grape and big boy tomatoes. What other kinds are there and what are their flavors?

Almost Eden

Bean Stalker
I love, love, love tomatoes! Try planting some cherry roma tomatoes in your garden next year. They will bear fruit throughout the season and the tomatoes are extra tasty in salads and sauces. You can also dry them out for a tasty snack.

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
I mostly grow heirloom tomatoes and am a big fan of the Brandywine and Arkansas Traveler varieties because they taste great and the plants can handle our Southern heat and humidity. My advice is to see what folks are planting near you. If it grows for them, it will likely grow for you too.


Farm Hand
That's a big question ...with many answers. Personally I tend to at least one new variety every year just to learn the answer to that question myself.

Personally I like the Rutgers because of their versatility and "stereotypical tomato" flavor, the various beef steak tomato varieties are good for sandwiches and burgers.