I have had the complete opposite experience that you just described with our header. I went from a 930 rigid to the 936D. About 1_3 of our land is palouse type hills and I have washouts, ditches, banks, uneven ground, another words, anything but flat ground. In fact, we don't have any ground that is table top flat like the Red River Valley. With our 930R, one end would being digging in the dirt while the other end would be 1-2 ft in the air. The 936D has guage wheels with air bags on the each side of the header that reduced plowing the dirt. Did the cutters have the air bags aired up and if they are does each bag have the same psi. If they aren't then its you might as well not have guage wheels on the header at all. The ability of our header to follow the ground is one of the main reasons why I like it.