Combines Dirupter Installation Instructions


The inventor of the Disrupters frequently posts on here,so he may pop in with the expert advice,but I will tell you what I know. The directions are correct how the dsrptrs. are positioned.The vanes are positioned to help move the crop flow.The dsrptrs. are there to break up into smaller pieces,stringy,matted crop flow. The notched sep. bars bite into the crop and keep it moving.The two items just have different purposes. I don't think there is a set clearance between the two.The dsrptr has to sit in beween the grate bars,and the sep bar is where it needs to be.The rotor is turning too slow for real shearing action,as compared to a chopper which is probably turning 3-5 times faster.But the dsrptrs. do what they can inexpensively,and are a big help.


Thanks Swede for your comments. It's to bad that Case hasn't told there servic tecks about how this system works. There is more then 10,000 Disrupter sets in service and alot more combines out there that could use them. "Thanks" I needed that. Now Cotton to your question. Cotton. The directions are correct as far as placement of The Disrupter lugs. There are two diagional rows of lugs on a 90 degree angle with the direction of crop flow. As the crop comes off of the concave area it will get double cut by passing over the two rows of lugs. The crop then passes over the lugs several more times untill it is discharged. The clerence of the scallop bar, notch seperater bar, or fishback bar is very important. One eighth of an inch or less. My Scallop bars have 3_8" slotted holes to compensate for this problem. Also specialty rotors must use the rice spike bar over there disrupter lugs and their clerence will be 1_8" as well. The reason Case put the Disrupter parts in stock was for rotor loss in corn. The lugs and spike comvination will cut up the corn shucks that carry corn out. If you or anybody else have a question please call me @ 1-800-235-4461, ask for Don.


I just bought a set to put in my 1660 with standard rotor. If you have a Shoup catalog it gives a fairly good pic of how they go in. The web site does not have one. if you need a book.


The direction sheet is in the box. Shoup buys direct from me so I package them my self. If you didn't get a sheet please call me. 1-800-235-4461 Don " The Disrupter Guy ".