Combines discharge flight kits on sts


If i am right about what you are asking,,,they are to direct the straw more to the middle of the chopper, as the sts doesnt have a "pinch point" like the CIH rotor.


They go on the end of the rotor and look like they might kick straw out of the rotor faster. I am not sure but I think they replace one set of tines. They look sorta like Case Ih kicker bars. I don't have any but saw them in a parts book.


The discharge flights that you are refering to are mounted on the back of the rotor; there a 4 of them and do replace tines. They're used in edible beans and sunflowers. The reason is that for these crops the rotor turns slow; we're talking 200 rpm to 350 rpm and maybe a little more. When it turns this slow the material isn't facilitated enough to move to the back. That's because of the top cage being an egg shape; no compression. When the crop balls up in the back it can break out some of the separtor grates. This, apparently, only happens when you do a kill stop. But, the flights just help kick the stuff out the rear is all. You don't need the flights though if you run the rotor 300 rpm and up. All we've used them for is edibles and I've taken them off and replaced them with the tines for every thing else. Have a good one.