Combines Do you really think a rotary combine is better than a conventionnal all the time IJ


In USA it seems to be the future, Deere has spent big bucks developing STS and particularly CTS for rice. I do understand that there still is certain crops that a straw rack machine does better job. I think a lot of resistance yet to rotary type is operator is just not familiar and more comfortable with older concept, its human nature to resist change.


I am in the ms delta, and run 2 2388's. The rotary design seems to do a much better job than comparable makes. The walker type machines just don't seem to get all the kernals off of the head, and if you can get it set to get them off you get a terrible sample, (i.e. poor milling yields). I can harvest rice at about 3 mph with a rotary, whereas a 9610 will have trouble going 2 mph. Our nearest NH combine dealer is about 100 miles away, so parts are not easy to come by.


Could you tell me some names of your varieties ARE THEY SHORT OR lONG ( how many foot ) Us we grow "ariete" "thaibonnet" "koral" "cigalon" do you heard about those IJ


In standing rice CIH rotarys(unless really green straw)outperform the CTS, especially on milling yield.The conventionnal machines usually start throwing rice over the walkers over 2mph. In down rice the CTS will out do the rotary. last year we traded CIH1680 up to Catlexion480. We still maintained our milling yield plus got the separating performance of the rotors.The link below will take you to our states rice performance trials.last year we grew Wells and Cocodrie. http:__www.aragriculture.org_cropsoilwtr_rice_PerfTrials_arpt9901.asp