Combines Draper head on beansIJIJ


I bought a JD 36 ft draper head with fingers thinking I would use that for my beans. After using it on my Durum and HRSW I saw that in the level of land that I have the 36 foot would not go low enough. I ended up getting a JD flex head with a Crary Air Finger Reel. After using that flex head combo I know I could never do as good of job on the beans with the draper head. I have heard of others using the draper head on beans but this is my observations.


We're using our MacDons in beans anytime. The field has to be fairly level to give that 36 footer a chance. Our customers have mostly irrigated beans. On flood fields the drapers work better than anything else. You shouldn't go too fast with them. You need to focus more on doing a good cutting job than trying to fill the combine. We're running bat reels. Finger reels would probably do a better job.


I have used an IH draper in beans and found the results to be superior to a conventional herader. Due to the fact the sickle is moved forward of the transfer auger, the reel (bat or finger) can be moved farther back. With the apex of the reel set directly above to cutter bar, shatter is reduced to almost none, even in the most dry conditions.


Will a draper flex with the ground or do you have to ride the lever all day adjusting the height in soys.


Will the 960 MacDon work on soybeans or should a guy look for the newer modelsIJ


I recommend the newer 962. MacDon had a little trouble with the gearbox running the middle draper on the old 960s. On the 962s it is all hydraulic.