Combines Draper headsIJ


We are running MacDon's for three seasons now and like them a lot. No matter what the crop conditions are they always feed even, providing a constant material flow for the combine. Most any combine will run the same speed with a 30' auger head as it does with a 36' draper head, means you are gaining capacity. The MacDon's have a unique transport system unmatched by its competitors. We pull our headers behind the combine while moving to the next field. I strongly recommend to go with the 36', because it does more with the same effort. If you choose MacDon, don't by an old 960, because they have problems. Buy a 962 with finger or bat reel, depending on your crop. There are plenty of them out there. The MacDon's also work great in soybeans if your ground is half way level. Some people tell you to get a MacDon 972 for soybeans. But from our experience, there is no advantage over the much cheaper and lighter 962. MacDon has class A service, too.


Thanks dakota,also a few other IJ's Would I be able to use the dialamatic for header height control (for soybeans) the combine I have now doesn't have it but(figure on adding it) or does this float optimizer help that problem or do they work in tandemIJ --Also what about the hydralic header tiltIJ I'm guessing that doesn't float. --Any need for retracting tine drumIJ have you used one on yoursIJ --Cost of a decent used or new 962 and the adapter plate for 9600IJ I live in nw iowa and haven't seen any around here in operation but sure like the idea, where would be a good place to start looking with inventoryIJ Thanks


I have not tried a float optimizer with a MacDon. If it is a system that senses the weight on the feeder house and acts accordingly, that should help it. What do you mean by hydraulic header tiltIJ Are you talking about that tilt that MacDon has on their headersIJ I sure like this one and prefer it being adjusted by hydraulics. The 2002 MacDon's come with the retracting tine drum. But we got along with the old spiral feed auger just as good. I have no idea about going prices. You'd have to check dealers for their inventory. I am sure you could find some here in Kansas. MacDon also has an office in Kansas City.


Yes the hyd. header tilt was on their website that someone posted and sounds like you have it but it evidently has nothing to do with automatily adjusting header height only the tilt. Thanks for your input.


I would like to know what problems the 960 model have. I own a 36 ft 960 and have had great luck wioth it. Is there something I should look forIJ Thanx in advance


Some people tell me that gear box driving the middle draper is giving trouble. On the 962 the middle draper is driven by a hydraulic motor. If you have great luck, maybe you just take better care.