Combines Electrical Trouble in F2


We occasionaly have harness connector plug problems , particularly around the engine bay area. Dust works its way into the plugs, attracts moisture, gets surface corrosion on the connector pins and sockets and causes intermittent faults. Maintenance is a regular blow out of harness plugs with compressed air. Might be worth checking.


good idea, plus check the cab ground. IF it does it still run a jumper wire on the solinoid inside the fuse access door from one big brass stud to the stud on the other side of the sol. (this is the one that goes 'clunk' every time you turn the key on) If everthing then works it is a bad solenoid_relay.


I would bet on a bad solenoid_relay as tbran says. We had a lot of trouble out of this on our F3. We never replaced it but sometimes we would have to open the door and tap on it to make it click.