Combines european combines


Why do they have that law in EuropeIJIJ I was just curious. I have always wondered the same thing about those sides on the grain tank.


I don't know about it being "law" or not but as we have quite inclimate weather and when its bad it can rain for a week on end!!! I think it would be a good idea for N.America as well, its alot easier to just close up the grain tank covers than opening the traps when there is a storm forcast overnight.Especially when the forcast storm hits you when you're harvesting in the middle of a full section!!!!


The crop is often damp_high moisture when they cut it and they like to shave the ground to have more straw behind the combine to bale. They also have much more restrictive laws on machinery width for transporting on roads. They are usually limited to 3 meters in width which is a little less than 10 feet.


Our roads are not wide enough and above all our fields are not big or FlAT enough to make running a 30f head economic.Our Claas 570 lexion runs with a 24f Vario head and this is considered Massive here in N.Ireland.There are quite a few 30f heads running in the bigger_flatter fields of England and Scotland though, maybe alot more than would be realised!!!!


Roads and they yield so much. 150bu wheat. Take care, Nathan