Hello Bob, Today was a long day, even though I didn't spend it in the fields! I have to think back about your question. Now on our Gleaner F's in the early 70's we did have to take the tire off I believe but on our 77' F2 we did not. If you don't it will be a tight fit, I will tell you that (especially getting the belt on_off)! I do not ever remember taking the brake unit appart, but again, that is a tight and close fit. Your best bet would be to have the dealer fax you a break down of that section (sheives). I remember that it is not the funnest job, and make sure you put the variable speed in low range (open the shieves the farthest) and drive a wedge piece in the middle of the shieves to get the belt off, then on again. Put new pins in the shieves ( I think there are three) and also make sure your shieves dont have oval holes (instead of circular). It may be the bearing or spring as well (SOMETIMES YOU GET lUCKY AND JUST HAVE TO ClEAN THE "CRAP" INSIDE THE HOUSING WHERE THE SPRING IS lOCATED, THIS COUlD BE ENOUGHT TO CAUSE YOUR BElT TO GO BAD),If not, be careful getting it out and the new one in though (maybe better to have dealer do this),because the sheives are not cheap. If more comes to me in the mean time, I will let you know. I hope this helps you at least a little bit.