Combines F2 Engine Oil leak


Can't help with the accessability to seal in F2 but I can tell you how we normally replace seal. If there is no sign of leak between intermediate plate and block we will take a short cut. If leak between block and intermediate plate we will want to remove front cover to get at and tighten bolts. If not we will weld a couple nuts to seal so we can use plate across end of crank with a couple pieces of ready rod to pull old seal. We will then reinstall with pipe that fits new seal OD and then pull in until it bottoms with threaded rod using crank threads.


Yes, you can access the front crank seal by removing the radiator,front PTO drive shaft and front crank pulley. We usually drill a couple of holes in seal and then using a punch and hammer drive seal inward to loosen, Then we use a slide hammer to remove seal. Installation would be similar to how Dan described. Make sure you clean bore in front cover and make sure crankshaft is clean and free of nicks. Use engine oil on crankshaft and I.D. of seal to help in assembly. Hyper Harvest II


Wouldn't there be a lip on inside that will prevent it from moving in and breaking looseIJ Maybe it would still loosen it some!


Good evening. Thanks to those that responded to my situation. The old seal is on the bench and the new one will be here Thursday. After removing the pulley, I was able to remove the seal by welding nuts on it and pulling it off as suggested. Thanks for the suggestions. Tom


You're right Dan,I meant to get the seal loosened on the outer diameter by hitting it with a punch,not driving it inward. Hyper Harvest II


I thought I posted, but , check the end play of the crank. Should not be over .008