In addition to the previously good answered posts, you will want to do some other things during the year to keep the raddle area in good shape. At the end of harvest, remove the front raddle idler access door which is under the throat near the pivot shaft. Clean out grain, dust, cobs, etc... and inspect that the idlers are in good shape. If an idler is not rotating or has flattened spots replace both of them and readjust raddle chain. Put the access door in the cab for winter storage. Mice will now have less to eat with that compartment opened up. During the season, re-adjust the tension on the raddle chain at mid-season. This is minimal adjustment and may need more depending on harvest hours, service, crops. By this time the chain is brightened up good and usually needs idlers tightened some. Follow your manual on the proper tension. Too tight or too loose can rip out a raddle floor or snap the drive shaft as things wear or crop gets inside moving parts!!!!