Combines F2 what am i doing wrong


If you have not "hyperized" your seives do so. As soon as possible. Until you run one "cut" you can't believe what it will do. Capacity and cleaning are both improved. Our K2 has been done, that poor little fellow needs all the help it can get. 4-38's in 140 bpa corn gives it a "tummy ache". The "cut screen" is worth about 1_3 in capacity. One more nice idea is to speed up clean grain elevator if you do seive, otherwise you will have overloading problems with it.


yes and yes. The problem on hillside loss is NOT grain sliding on the raddle or across the shoe, thie problem is grain falls straight down, period. When it drops off the walkers or raddle and if the combine is on say a 8 degree slope, now grain ever touches the uphill side of 1_4 of the shoe and the down hill side gets double loaded with a lot of grain hitting the downhill side of the combine above the shoe even.