Combines Farm Progress Show


P.S. I was really getting excited that I might see some old Gleaners, ie A, G, C, CII, something of that nature, but I couldn't find any. Not even a Gleaner pull type. HuhIJ Ryan


Thats funny because my brother went on Tuesday and said they had a R75 running a 12 row cornhead and a R65 running a 30 foot platform. Maybe they didn't attend the same show.


I drove all the way out there Weds. only to see water roll out of the fields. Would have liked to answer the question. Was looking forward to combines running. I bet this really drives them for a permanent site in the future. It looked like drainage was a problem anyway at the site without much rain. love the black soils however!


Hello, As I posted earlier, I snuck in on the Saturday before the show while I was at the antique show across the road. On display there was a R75 w_8R and a new Massey w_12R. Agco did not have any flex, rigid, draper, or pick up heads on display. Keep in mind this was on Saturday so it may not have all been set up. Although all of the room in the Agco sector had been filled up, so I think what I saw would have been what they would have showcased on Tuesday-Thursday. As far as the field demo went, while I was there I didn't happen to see any Gleaner out in the field, but there was a new Massey w_12R and 30' flex. Ryan


Hey Rock,If you want to go to a Farm Show on a permanent site try Empire Farm Days or Ohio Farm Science Review


Not sure how they do it now but several years ago while I was still in highschool one of my buddies worked at the local Deere dealership and they took one to the show since it had the new at the time Greenstar system. They were pushing a 12 row head at about 5 mph while the TR and I think the Cats were pushing 12 rows at close to 7 mph. We ran into my buddy and he said that they were gonna set a 5 mph speed limit so the Deere didn't look so bad! So to finally answer your question I would assume they still have the speed limit so really some of them aren't really being pushed so hard while others are.


They ran the CR last year at Des Moines, Ia. FPS. If I recall a 12 row head and they were moving right along. I guess 4-4.5 mph.


ReallyIJ They have a speed limitIJ I say let them go as fast as they want. If they throw corn out the back, there only making themselves look bad. Take care, Nathan


I can't prove that they still do but that is what my Deere buddy told me and it was the Deere having problems so I beleive him. Seemed silly to me too, if you can't run with the big boys stay outta the field. If you do go look at the header sizes. Usually the Gleaners run a 6 or 8 row while all others are running 12 rows. Hmmm.


I've never seen a Gleaner run anything less then a 12 at the big farm shows. Take care, Nathan