Yup, they are Silver Seeders in the hands of idiots! Gleaner combines are for "OPERATORS", not "DRIVERS". They will do the poorest job of any make in the hands of someone who knows not how to set and operate a combine. BUT, in the hands of a knowledgable person, they won't be beat. Some of us on the Gleaner Talk site have achieved .2 bu_acre loss - That's 2_10 of a bushel, NOT 2%! As for the wear issue you raised - I wouldn't have a clue about anything to do with rice, but from things I've read here on this site and on Mach Talk, they couldn't wear any faster than any of the 9000+ series from Deere. Guys are talking about holes in their grain tanks at 800 hours - we've never worn any holes in any of our Gleaners. Neighbor owned an l3 that wore a hole in tank at 4400 hours. Tom l.