as long as the wear is not enuff to start causing excess sprocket wear or sprocket climb you are OK. Have seen chains run past 1700 hours and still going and have seen those buggars wear out before 1000 hours - depends on conditions.. Dusty soybeans seems to be the killer. Wheat and corn machines have the longest life. My old CA550 chains started giving problems at 1500 hours. I really beleive the new shock kits and better feeding due to processor upgrades that have reduced my throat plugging will greatly increase the life. Finally another key is EVEN wear on a R60and62. A chain set that has a streched chain on the edge seems to wear quicker as well. A machine that has a bent slat and is run that way will show a bunch of link wear in the bent slat area. Therefore as the hours mount increase the intervals and closeness of inspection. ...got milk,..ur....shock kitIJ...