Combines Feeder floor bottom


I have made up my own complete feeder floors for around $200 with bending and lower steel prices. I used 3_16" AR225 plate steel which is the same quality steel as the transitions cones in our combines. They held up alot better than the OEM floors which are not heat treatted unlike what your dealer told you. I have an extra one made up if you are anywhere near West Central Minnesota I would be willing to sell it to you for what I have in it ($200).


in rice ours wears mostly under front drum took 3_16 flat iron lifted front drum with pinch bar lay plate just behind drum to front make it curve down on front and weld don't have to remove feeder chain or drum unless yours may be worn all the way up to topIJ good luck


Make your own bottoms out of Abrasion Resistant or AR steel plate and you'll have a longer lasting one than CIH will sell you.