Combines Feederhouse Removal


depends on what you want to do to the feeder house easy to leave it on the header if you want to work on the feeder drive at top but if you want to go thru the feeder to rebuild it remove header remove hydro plugins on panel remove the panel intact lay it over the tire remove shields and belt drive at right ram pins electrical wires pins at pivot forks on front loader work best but a shop rolling fork hoist will do good luck, suggestion if you remove feeder shaft at top reverse the sprockets if their not to bad reverse feeder shaft too


Just did the upper bearings and sprockets plus rocktrap bearings (bearings where $50.00 Canadian sprockets where $90.00 per) on my feederhouse 1640 follow CAJUN BOY advice purdy simple job left mine on the header if u have the safety lockup for the header remove the slide pin first i bent mine somehow and it cracked it at the cotter key hole needed to make a new one get a cone shaped wire brush 2" u can put in a drill to polish up the bore for the bearings they'll just turn right in then Good luck are Hard Red Wheat it still testing 17.4 late today maybe tommorrow fusarium is going to be ify looks like installed a cross flow fan this year hope it pays off


Yes, I want to do bearings at feeder drive and probably put new beater wings on beater and maybe elephant ears or the new rotor front from stewart steel. If I leave on cornheader, will feederhouse support itself or do I have to brace it when I back away from it IJIJIJ


don't know about corn head only used 1010 and drapper heads but on beater blades we drill and bolt angle iron on leading edge of blade find an old beater blade or use one new one from dealer for bolt pattern and return it this way you don't have to take blades off your beater unless their to bad even if you put new blades it's a good idea to put the angle iron on them, if your going to change top shaft bearings better change front feeder drum bearings too