Combines Field Peas


What about a air reel and filler fingersIJ Dirt,Perforated screen under table auger especially on a bean only front. I have punched hole perforated screen doors for clean and seconds came with machine so should be available or make .They have big holes beans through rest out. Think NEIlS have some sort of aftermarket rock sump hump IJ kit. I'd consider a bean only front with plucker cause it takes a while to unbolt fingers to attach plucker and then set knife back up when done but horses for coures. Smaller front (24') might be better to when playing in the dirt. Ask Rolf gleaner guru . He had different types of reels and stuff for different crops. He had some pictures posted on some photo web page thing. They were interesting. Good luck Peng


This season I rept peas with my '95 R-62 in reasonably snaily conditions and had less trouble than with our old Massey 860. I used a 10mm punch hole top seive which floated most of the big ones straight out the back. I have made a frame which can be opened to allow easy change over of different meshes for different crops and conditions. I left the bottom adjustable seive in but opened it right up. Most snails that got thru were crunched up by the rotor and so we had no problems with meeting receival standards.You may lose a few peas out the back as they tend to bounce a bit but it beats having to reclean. It is very important to keep checking the bottom of the bubble up auger_top of the clean grain elevator for build up of snail goo. If this blocks up you could do some damage. It is also no fun to unblock. I used cast pea lifters which worked very well. It is important to find the direction of travel across the paddock at which the vine picks up the best to minimise losses at the front. Always roll pea paddocks after seeding. This helps push smaller rocks into the soil and also firms the surface to reduce the amount of dirt that gets picked up while reaping.Any big rocks need to be picked. Using the pea lifters allows the comb to be some 3 inches above the surface to help avoid many rocks. Good luck


I combined peas last year. 1460 small wire concaves with every other wire removed 24' ridged worked good.


We use Harvest large wire concaves and spec rotor with Gorden bars on the front few positions in a 1480. Pick them with a 925 JD flex head. Works well. We are just hauling our 06 peas to market right now and the processer is impressed with the very low damage to our peas.