Combines fieldstar and farmworks


Make sure you have the header set point set correctly. If it is set too low (like for soybeans) and you are running the header above the set point in wheat, the system assumes you are not harvesting and that the zero point is wrong.


I've had two Fieldstar first and last. My experience has been is that it is accurate when you get it set for a crop in a field, buy if you change hybreds, moisture levels, etc. you can be way off. Ours always asks for zero point calibrations. You can run a zero point and it may go all day without asking for another or it may want one in 5 minutes. Having come from an agleader and having friends with AFS I have found that the Fieldstar is pretty poor. I hear they've made some improvements, but the only way I'd get another is if it comes with a money back guarantee.


Depending on which version of Fieldstar you can upgrade the system which will make it as accurate and in many cases better then my Agleader system was. There is a problem with the settings if the zero point does not hold. Call the GTA technicians (dealer) and they will help you out.


Set it in the monitor. I think you can touch the header height indicator on the left side of the main display and it will take you to the header height setting. Otherwise, there is a settings menu on the right side that will take you to the page to use.