
Having went from an Agleader a few years back to Fieldstar I can tell you I will go back to Agleader next time. Our old Agleader was no modern marvel in terms of simplicity to operate but we always felt that it was very accurate. In fact we share some crops within the family and we actually would split the crop using the monitor. Was it perfect as a scaleIJ No but we always felt in 18-23% corn it would get us within 2 or 3%. The Fieldstar is very simple to use and the screen is nice. Outside of that the hardware is marginal at best. The moisture sensor gets clogged in wet bean or wheat straw or if you get into down corn. The yield sensor will be accurate within a variety at a certain moisture within a reasonable speed range. However, change varities or see a moistiure change of more than 1-2% and plan on calibrating. AGCO will tell you it is close, then when it isn't they will point to their literature that says accurate to withing 10%. That may be a stretch.


We've had Agleader for 4-5 seasons, very happy. I believe Agleader is much more accurate-specifically when it comes to site-specific variability. FieldStar and all others I'm familiar with do too much averaging data therefore lose site-specific capabilities. Beyond yield sensing we use ours for application rate controlling, application rate recording, and many other site verification applications. Agleader interfaces with it seems every brand of controller etc... Also, tech support is first class. I'm not bashing FieldStar but I know you will not be disappointed in Agleader. Brian


I've allways tried to stay OEM on attachments. Fieldstar has upgraded hardware and software as time progressed. Your dealing on the latest greatest so it may be well refined since earier units. Problems with any inacuracy or excessive calibration hasn't been brought to my attention on any of our units (maybe there has been direct contact with Fieldstar!!). I have seen some pluging of funnel for moisture sensor but think maybe it will remain more accurate than old method of mounting sensor. If excess maintanance to check and clean moisture sensor I would be tempted to open bottom of funnel if that is where plug starts in wet conditions. Good luck with your decision.