Combines filler plates


No need to remove them for now. But you might take one off and throw a half dozen golf balls in there to keep the cylinder better balanced. It can be easier removing a slug (via a log chain) if the filler plates are removed. If you have the newer style with that has the holes in it deere say you can run them in all crops.


We have a 9500 and we always take out the filler plates when doing small grains ( wheat etc) and have had no problem with thrashing the grain. Also we havent had a problem with grain being thrown out the back with the filler plates out.


We leave ours in with a 7720. It does not seem to be a problem.


I doubt that removing the filler plates will make much differance in small grains. The reason some people remove the filler plates is not for performance or capacity reasons, but, when harvesting small grains, the dust and small grain can fall between the spaces in the cylinder and settles at the bottom of the cyinder and therefore throwing the cylinder out of balance. Perhapes you might have noticed after driving down the road to field and when you turn your seperator on the combine sometimes vibrates. This is the reason. It's much more noticable in small grains because we usually run the cylinder faster. The last time re changed the rasp bars in our 9500 we installed the perferated filler plates. It helped with the vibration but made no noticable differance in performance.


I would definitly take your filler plates out for wheat harvest and if you have a fair amount of beans to cut. You will gain atleast a 1_2 to 1 mph more with them out, at least we did, makes alot of difference in the small grains.


we run filler plates in wheat and baley and out for soys and high moisture corn does a good job 9400.we leave the to center ones in as the are a pain to put back in,


we run filler plates in wheat and baley and out for soys and high moisture corn does a good job 9400.we leave the to center ones in as the are a pain to put back in,


In my conditions here in TN. You don't need the filler plates for any of those crops. I thought I needed them for corn, but I proved that wrong last year.


I agree, I would not run filler plates on any of these crops. I used to use them on corn, then tried without and could not tell much difference except for power savings. I do not grow that much corn either, so it is also not hardly worth the hassle of putting them in.


I run a 7700 with plates in corn and beans. I know a lot of guys don't like em but I have some rocks and just having the peace of mind that they can help knock them out keeps me from trying to run without them. I have had a couple hit the cylinder and I was able to shut down quickly with no damage. Don't want to think what would happen if one got in there or inbetween cylinder and concave.