Combines Finally


Know what you mean. Then again, where was there heavy crop of wheat to be found this yearIJ The wheat belt did have a pretty tough year.


ReallyIJ Did u had a bad wheat seasonIJ Here in my town (spain) it was the best of the last 10 or 15 years. I cut a little more of 10 tons of wheat per Ha. I think is very good.


Very good yield. 148.5 bu_acre if I did the conversion properly. I've never produced more than 40 bu_ac.


The highest we have ever averaged across the whole farm was 55 bpa. We did have a field go 100 bpa and about 300 acres go 70 on a different year. We usually average in the 35 to 40 range. We are located in Montana.


How did you get these brochures did Acgo send them to you .Who do you contact to get themIJ Thanks


Yes, we never saw a harvest like summer 2002. Here the irrigated wheat is between 6000-7000 Kg_Ha. and some years 4500 Kg_Ha. last year corn was about 9500 Kg_Ha at 14% of moisture in the bad fields, and 12000-14000 in the best fields. What about corn in the statesIJ


Here in Southern Virginia we usually average from 70 to 76 bu._acre. We have had some fields top 100 but the conditions have to be just perfect.


I requested them on AGCO's website. Somewhere on their website, there should be a place to request lit.


Best wheat we had was 70 bu_acre. Most of the time we average 40-5- bu_ac. That's why we just cut the wheat for hay. We can make almost as much money per acre with the hay and besides the hay comes off about 4-6 weeks earlier so we can plant beans earlier without the hassle of the straw. This was the best corn year ever for us. Some fields averaged 150 bu _acre, however 2 hurricanes and lots or rain made the corn fall. But we still averaged over 100 bu_ ac. which is excellent for us. I know all about bad crops also, 1988- corn averaged 15 bu_ac and beans 5 bu and less. Thankfully we had crop insurance!! T3


In the midwest of the USA it was very dry. Our yield in wheat probably averaged 20bu_acre from Texas to North Dakota. That is about 1.4t_ha. Many fields didn't get harvested at all. Our corn harvest probably averaged 200bu_acre, that is about 14t_ha. The best field did 18.3t_ha, all figured at 15.5% moisture. It is still dry in the midwest and the next harvest could be worse. Australia had a very dry year, too and a poor wheat harvest.