The connectors should be 3 wire each. One is the normal auto header hight switches connection and the other is the terrain tracer connector. The normal auto hight connector should have 2 pins and 1 socket on the grainhead wire harness. It should use a Purple_yellow stripe to provide 12 volt to both switches(raise and lower),a white_orange wire for the raise, and a white_light blue wire for the lower switch. The terrain tracer has 2 sockets and 1 pin. I'm not familiar with the TX electrical system so I don't know what type of header connector they had. Cutting soybeans with CR combines everyone is using the header electric controls not the pressure compenation header control. If you can find the electrical connector for the TX on the combine I would think you could get the 2 attached. Unless the TX required potentiometers like the CR_CX now use on the heads.