Combines flexhead in wheat


We use a 30ft Flex in wheat and it does a good job they dont push down any wheat unless u turn sharp like on the ends


We used ours last year in real down wheat and it worked well. We left it flexing and did nothing with the snouts. We plan to do our straight combining in wheat this way in the future and will only own the flexhead. We did put Johnson rock guards on it, because it seems the wheat ground is usually left a little rockier than soybean ground. our .02


you are 5 years behine on the flex head in cutting wheat. in the lockup postition or in the flex position. eather way will work. either on a cts ll or on a lexion 460. makes know difference.


we also only own a flexi front now we find it is just a alrounder and saves having money in heads u don't use much good luck


Sodbuster, could you fill me in on what Johnson Rock Guards are..IJ


We have them on our flexhead also. It is a lip which stands about 2 inches tall to keep rocks and dirt clods out but keep the crop in. They work great and dont bother much in short crop. Each piece is about 12 inches long and bolt together so that they flex with the head. I cant find the website but when I do I'll post it for you.


We can get them at most John Deere dealers up here in North Dakota. They seem to work fairly well. I do not know where they are made.


It looks much like a rigid head used for cutting wheat equiped with a finger reel (also called pickup or hume reel). However, the bottom has flexible skids to sense the header height and allow the combine to automatically adjust the height of the cut. These headers can typically cut closer to the ground than a rigid. Because it has a rigid auger, that portion of the header can not flex, just the area near the sickle.


Thanks for the answer. They sound pretty much like what we would call auto-contour in the UK.