Combines Frustrated in milo


lol....I know this isn't the problem but you got the right combine with the wrong head :) lol Thats really odd.....have you tried contacting your case dealerIJIJIJ If all else look up Bluff IMP in Bluff city ill and ask for marlen he can help you


Got a phone number for Marlen in Bluff CityIJ I go through this ever year always looking for the right answer.


What grates are you usingIJ What concaveIJ Where are your transport vanes positionedIJ What rotor and what type of bars are on itIJ


618-283-3277 I hope he can help....he's really good with combines


large wire, cover plate on first half, keystock grates, transport vanes middle, specialty rotor with eight straight bars.


Get rid of the cover, get a set of slotted grates, set your transport vanes to the fast position at least over the grates ( I have them set fast all the way across). Most of you problemn is too much MOG. Cut as high as you can, maybe miss a little grain. Some sorgh. just are tuffer than others. If you leave a few grains few head thats better than thousands on the ground. The general idea is to knock the berries off, then get the rest of the plant out of the machine as quickly as possible. Cheers


The reason for the cover plate is to thresh those little cluster groups and to keep that first impact from going through the grate. The residue out the back is very high moisture content. Don't know what variety this is but I don't care for it. Won't slotted grates result in high rotor lossesIJ


It makes no difference what kind of a combine you have, milo cutting before a frost is not easy. I have had Gleaner, JD and Case, and none of them work worth a hoot under those conditions.


I hear you on your concern about rotor loss. I argued over the same situation with my dealer until he told me he wouldn't talk about it any more unless I put in the slotted grates. Watch you monitor and you will see that the rotor loss continues long after you have stopped feeding in fresh material. Key stock grates just allow to much MOG to drop on the sieves which makes to much return which makes to much MOG which makes to much return which makes, You get the picture. Cover plates just shove the problemn towards the rear of the machine compressing area for seperation. Try Some of the bars that clip to the concave wires instead. A specialty rotor may move the crop through the machine better but it doesn't usually thresh as well as a standard. You might try some of Marv's bars as we have to use on hard threshing wheat. I cut 25% milo for years with a 1660 short shoe without to much trouble ( standard rotor). I now use a St. John rotor with an auger front that works great. The greener the stems the more it shines (1688).