Future industry trends


Golden Chicken
Which big industry trends do you think are coming down the pipeline? Will technology and precision farming still rule the day or are we heading in another direction?


Golden Chicken
Everything is technology driven. In the end increasing yield and decreasing cost is what will be the standard for farmers, not just way separates the good from the bad. If you don't adopt the technology that big farms are deploying you will get left behind. So things like organic farming will also become bigger as the consumer demand increases.


Farm Hand
I agree with Farmhand totally. Organic farming will likely remain. Food quality at the consumer level seems to have declined, and people's taste-buds have noticed the difference. While there have been improvements which decreased delivery time, there is the ever-present worry over systemic pesticide and/or residue. But the demand for "food" outweighs the demand for "QUALITY" food. So, both will naturally continue to thrive, in my humble opinion.


Farm Hand
I want to use caution with all the new technology and what worries me are micro waves passing through our bodies and it doesn't matter what you have of your own it's what the guy five miles down the road has. I will admit that I'm not the smartest guy out there, but I can read the hazardous warning placard on the g.p.s. unit that tells me to stay far away from it because of r.f energy. They say we all have it passing through our bodies 24 hour per day and what the long term affects are yet to be seen.


Golden Chicken

Oh I think the long term effects are pretty obvious right now but maybe the science or data isn't zoomed in on it. By that I mean people are getting cancer left and right and usually the cause is unknown. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that the one word answer is exposure. Lots of stuff contaminating our air, water, and frequency waves.