Combines Getting feederhouse chain aligned


Usually put bolt on bottom(input) side and bring chain up and around sprocket(direction of drive) to move ahead one link.


I don't think it will matter which way you do it but I found it easier to put a good sized bolt on the top side of the sprocket then run it backward. Tie a string to the bolt so when the bolt goes around the sprocket you can just pull it back out of the feeder house. If your having a lot of problems and tire of doing this manually, by placing the bolt on the top side, you can use the feed reverser to back up the conveyor. It's slow enough and you will hear the chain "click" into place when you've gone far enough.


I can't remember the bolt size 5_8, 3_4, 7_8, or 1. Get on about 2 or 3 iches long. Put the bolt though a link on chain from the inside and put a nut on the bolt on the outside of the chain(finger tight). Roll the chain and the bolt head will let the chain jump the sprocket tooth. This way, you will not loose a bolt because the nut will not let you.


P.S. I have done this little trick many times. I has always worked. Good luck.