The hydro leak is probably the seal between the hydro motor and the transmissionIJ The $300.00 probably includes the labor to repair this. We have an F2 that does the same thing. It leaks running and sitting. However, it leaks about 2.5 gallons in a week. The raddle chains will cost about $350.00 for the long raddle and about $250.00 for the short raddle. While you are at it replace the raddle chain idlers also. These chains are available from Shoup as well as others.I have used the ones from Shoup and are well pleased with them. What heads are with itIJ My guess as to price would be in the $8,000-10,000 range. I could be way off on this price without looking at the combine. The things you have mentioned that need repair before going to the field need to be fixed. Keep an eye on the hydro and you can probably run it. But a long or short raddle that gives problems will cause you to say things that will embarrass you later. Sorry for the long post. Hope this helps. Eddy