Yeah, sounds like fescue problem. When you unload your augers are a little worn so the auger doesn't clean out good and as you race around your field it all sifts down and packs in the bottom. When you start , bam, instant jam cause your upper auger won't reach into the plug and jerk it up. Know a good reflighting companyIJ Also look at the slack in your upper auger at the pilot point. should be less than 1_16". Too much wear here might cause too great a distance between auger flights. Rare but have see it. Also am assuming flights not bent or worn - duh - next to final solution is cover over lH side of bin bottom auger shield. Final solution is to weld a BIG nut on pulley on auger drive end and steal one of your neighbors competitive brands CYlINDER ROCKING WRENCHES and ........
-) ......hope this helps ,.... tbran