It's true the Gleaner E was probobly one of, it not the, best combines of all time. My father sold them by the dozens in the 60's. It is amazing, now, to think of the acres that those little combines ran year after year. There were some fairly large farmers, for the times, that used the little machines and got along very well. Today the same size of farmer would not consider a combine even twice the size of the E to be anywhere near a large enough machine.It's too bad that most machines today are not as reliable and cost so little or are as easy to maintain. Those machines were built in a different time, workers who made them were prouder and were happier just to have jobs. The company's seemed to be more interested in having a good product than just something to sell. Of course then A-C was in a good financial situation and there was not the concern of who would own the company or even if there would be a company the next year like there was in the 80's and 90's. Even the dealers seemed to have more of a service oriented point of veiw then, not like now when most people you talk to complain more about their dealer than their combine.Just more rambling by notillr