I'd pass on that one. last fall I purchased a 79 gas F2 with 16' rigid head and pickup attachment for $3250 in central South Dakota. I purchased the machine from the original owner with 2200 engine hours on it. He had shedded the machine it's entire life and it absolutely looked like brand new. He also included a spare set of new belts for virtually the entire machine. I used the machine to combine my own alfalfa seed, but also did 6 neighbors seed on shares. I did this without a single breakdown, and paid for the machine, trucking, and fuel just on the share combining I did for the 6 neighbors. The number of hours on the machine isn't nearly as important as the care and maintenance the machine has had. It's very possible to find a high hour machine that would be in much better shape than one with 600 hours. As for $10,000, there are much better deals out there. The owner I bought mine from had been advertising it in a 4 state farm_ranch publication for weeks before I ran onto the ad. He hadn't included the price with the ad, so I assumed it was probably high. I also had wanted a diesel with hydro, but couldn't pass on the gas_gear F2 for $3250. I absolutely love the machine and am glad now that I got it with gas_gear. It has plenty of power and if that 292 Chevy gas engine ever needs work or overhauled, it will be considerably cheaper than a diesel.